Are Puget Sound Dungeness crab one large population,
or part of multiple, genetically distinct populations?
We are investigating this important question by analyzing the genetics of larval and adult crab found across Puget Sound, looking at relatedness to understand how crab may move and reproduce throughout the region.
Larval crab are caught by PCRG's light trap network, and adult crab are caught by partnering industry members. Results from this study will ultimately be used by fishery co-managers and industry members to evaluate whether existing management regions align with true population structure.
This work is funded by a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Tribal Wildlife Grant and NOAA Saltonstall-Kennedy Program Grant.
Principal Investigators: Dr. Jay Dimond (Western Washington University), Dr. Katelyn Bosley (WA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife), Dr. Elizabeth Tobin (Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe), Sarah Grossman (Swinomish Indian Tribal Community)